The Who

Alison Bloomquist and Alaina Janish are the owners of this brand. We became friends in the fall of 2020, right in the middle of all of the COVID-19 happenings. As we were getting to know each other better, we learned about some really hard situations that we both have individually walked through. With both of us understanding the importance of prioritizing a relationship with God, we were able to speak into each other's situations in a way that was very fruitful. On the same day that we became friends and basically told each other our life stories, we told ourselves that one day we would make a clothing brand together. We said that this clothing brand would somehow draw people closer to Jesus. Little did we know, we would end up occasionally reconnecting through facetime to brainstorm how to bring this idea to life and one day actually work to make this vision happen.

The What

The Walk is a clothing brand that was made to ultimately lead people to personal relationship with Jesus. This process is fulfilled in three steps. The first step is personalizing strangers. This step is taken when an individual wears a hoodie that they purchased through our website, which is directly linked to their testimony via QR code on the back. The second step is building community. This step is taken by connecting with new people through our platform by interacting with those who have boldly shared their testimony. The third step and our ultimate goal is Making Heaven Crowded. When in relationship with Jesus, we are given testimony to share with those around us. These testimonies plant seeds in the hearts of these people and ultimately point them to pursue personal relationship with God themselves. Join us in pursuing the Great Commission.

The Why

When we became friends and created this clothing brand, we came to the conclusion that this really was a God sized idea. Recognizing that our world is incredibly broken, we have large aspirations of bringing people together no matter where they are in their walk of life through The Walk. It's really common nowadays to see people/groups use social media to create more reasons for people to hate each other, rather than to love each other exactly where they are. We started this brand because our goal is to do the exact opposite - to help people understand that we can all find ways to share common ground and to provide a space for people to advocate for community rather than to tear it apart.